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Kick off Business 2024  

Sibylone, Smart4Engineering’s French Data specialist, today announced that it has

achieved Select tier partner status from Snowflake, the AI Data Cloud company. As a

Select partner, Sibylone is accelerating the digital transformation of its joint customers

by leveraging the performance, flexibility and near-infinite scalability of

Snowflake’s Data Cloud.


« Our partnership with Snowflake fits perfectly into our value proposition, which aims to

support our clients in modernizing their data ecosystem to enable them to leverage their

data assets and address today’s and tomorrow’s business challenges.

The Snowflake platform acts as an accelerator for organizations looking to industrialize their data while benefiting from a managed, scalable service that facilitates the delivery of a wide range of Data and AI products » – Fabrice HACCOUN

The partnership between Sibylone and Snowflake combines technology with business and data know-how to help joint customers set up their governed and industrialized corporate data environments and meet the business needs of different business departments.

Eva De Dios
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